Invest in bonds of leading international companies
By trading CFDs on Eurobonds of International companies you may increase your investments with a carefully selected investment portfolio, which matches your risk appetite and investment objectives.
Eurobonds, in essence, as in the case of bank deposits, are the provision of a loan to a company that pays a commission for the use of your funds. This commission, called coupon income, is credited daily to your account in the form of a fixed currency swap. In the case of Eurobonds, the yield does not depend on the amount of your investment, or on the period for which you placed the funds. You can sell Eurobonds at any time, having received the accumulated coupon income in full.
Benefits of Eurobonds at Alfa-Forex
- Affordable. We allow Eurobond investments from as low as $1 000
- Profitable. Potential yield of up to 26% p.a. in the foreign currency — higher return compared to similar offers
- Convenient. Buy and sell Eurobonds online in your personal account without using trading platforms
- Practical. Your individual investment portfolio will be built specifically for you when you buy Eurobonds
What is a Eurobond CFD?
When issuing Eurobonds, an issuer defines a fixed yield in advance in percentage of the nominal value, which for Eurobond Contracts for Difference is accrued daily. Thus, an investor always has an opportunity to sell Eurobonds ahead of time without losing accrued interest.
Another advantage is that, having sold a Eurobond prior to the redemption date, an investor gains coupon income for each day of holding it.
In addition, there is also to consider the potential yield from the appreciation of the bonds themselves. The bond yield may change, depending on the interest rates in the economy, the market situation, and the issuer.
How to start investing?
- Choose the amount of investment and acceptable risk
- Open and top up your account in any convenient way without commission
- Select the most favorable terms of return
- Build your portfolio application and get potential income in foreign currency